Welcome to the RagaBabe community. If you are looking for a better way to diaper, you won't regret the visit! Today, 12 years after our first release, RagaBabe Diapers are considered by thousands of RagaMoms (and Dads) to be their favorite diaper. RagaBabe is regarded as unsurpassed in quality, performance, fit and style!
A message from Joy, founder of RagaBabe
I am a mother of seven children, Isabelle (16 yrs), Asaiah (14), Selah (9), Petra (8), Judah (7), Tova (5) and Ephrem (2). My husband, Andy, and I are blessed with bright, healthy children, but all have lived with extreme food intolerance and sensitivities. The first couple years of Izzy's life were spent researching and experimenting with foods she could tolerate. When our second child had a similar condition, at least I was somewhat prepared!
But what I didn't know, was the solution to the sores on their bottoms. That led me to try cloth diapering.
I tried several leading brands, which brought about some improvement to the sores. But what bothered me most was the performance of the diapers. Some had very limited absorbency and would leak after an hour or two. (Too many wet sheets and car seats!) Some would retain odor after washing. Others would look 'ratty' after only a few washings-- and the drying time, up to 2 hours, was way too long. And their look and fit left much to be desired. There had to be a better diaper.
That pursuit has changed my life... and others. With the help of my husband, mother and father (Carol and Dave Ketelsen), the process began in 2008 that would mean thousands of hours of research and development, design and testing. Over 300 prototypes were created and meticulously evaluated. Hundreds of design and materials changes. A lot of tears shed. A lot of prayers answered. Travels around the country. New materials were developed for RagaBabe never used in diapers. Hundreds of problems... and problems solved.
Without leaning on faith in an incredible God, we all might have given up in the first two years. But with every roadblock, came a breakthrough -- and a better diaper. We are a very competitive family (harder on ourselves than anyone), and we were determined not to settle for 'just another diaper'. Today, we are regarded as a top-rated diaper in performance, fit, and style, and have 'RagaMoms' world-wide from the U.S. & Canada to Australia & Argentina, Israel & Iceland!
Our production center is based in a 5,000 square foot facility in the eastern Iowa town of Maquoketa. We are blessed with a dedicated and skilled staff that works very diligently to produce our top quality products. We are so excited about our three amazing lines of diapers... our RagaBabe '2-Step', 'Easy' All-In-One, and Newborn Snapped All-In-One. Along with our two styles of hybrid inserts and other accessories, like our amazing cotton sherpa Wipes, our Laundry & Wet Bags, we are determined to offer the best diapering experience possible -- Everything designed to make you "love cloth diapers!". Plus, in 2022 we have just released our newest line of Trainers and Undies for the older kids. Thanks for visiting RagaBabe!