"What do you like about RagaBabe diapers? How did you discover us?"
Review from a 'Pro'...
[Note: Even though a few years old now, this is a very informative review by Jennifer Reinhardt, owner of 'All About Cloth Diapers.com' because it has quotes from several top diaper reviewers at the time.] Read through her RagaBabe diaper review by clicking here. Also, her review of RagaBabe Inserts can be found here.
Jennifer commented "I did receive a bulletproof insert free of charge to review. But I’ve purchased many, many…many RagaBabe cloth diapers with my own money and I can say with confidence it is an amazing cloth diaper and an amazing company.
Reviews from 2022
I had a newborn at the beginning of COVID and decided to cloth diaper because diapers were starting to get hard to find. My friend from college told me she loved this brand she just discovered called RagaBabe. I fell in love with the brand! Haven’t looked back since and never tried another type. AW
They fit so well on itty bitty babies. My girl was 5#12oz at birth; discharge weight was 5#6oz. Never had leaks when she was tiny. Loved that RagaBabe newborns are so trim. I heard about RagaBabe from my sister. She showed me the cute prints and how to put them on when I watched my niece. I thought that they were easy enough so I started buying off the market and purchased my first HQ diaper a month after my son was born 5.5 years ago. I have been exclusive to the brand since 2016 and currently using them on my daughter. Custom stockings are my jam!!! Absolutely love picking out all the details that I can. Thanks for being an amazing fun brand, with great people! LHB
I had watched RagaBabe for years but I didn’t start buying them until I was expecting my last baby. I purchased a couple to “treat myself” for baby #8. Needless to say, I was in love right away, got rid of everything else I had accumulated over the years and the only cloth diapers that have been on his bum are RB. He is 13 months now. CC
I found RagaBabe about 2 years ago. I had posted on another cloth diaper page asking for a very specific type of diaper. Some responded suggesting RagaBabe AIOs. After trying both an AIO and 2 step, I quickly fell in love and switched my whole stash! KM
I was recruited by [M] in 2020 when I wanted some cloth diapers “just in case” and needed some advice. She sent me 3 and the rest was history. I started slowly replacing my pockets with plain bum solids, because I “didn’t need crazy prints or embroidery.” A couple months later I’m designing customs and agonizing over thread colors, watching the wings video on YouTube and playing with mock ups with the rest of them! KF
I came in 2018 when someone in my local mom’s FB group mentioned RagaBabes. I honestly looked into them because they are an Iowa company. I wasn’t able to afford new diapers so I found this group. I love how these diapers are so functional, cute, AND good enough quality to get through multiple babes. I’m now back with my newest babe who is just 3 weeks old. ACW
I came to RagaBabe from another brand that I was wholly committed due at the recommendation of another momma I know! I bought a few dipes off her and fell in love! Before Rags I would'nt even consider a diaper if it had rise snaps! SE
I first found RagaBabe in 2015, about four months after my IVF rainbow baby, [name], was born. I knew that I wanted to cloth diaper but had tried and been disappointed with basically every store-bought brand. I started joining online cloth diaper groups and came across continuous RagaBabe raving reviews. I bought my first one and became obsessed. Our second IVF miracle baby just turned two, and she has been a RagaBabe fluff butt since she got out of the NICU. Charleston turned two a couple of weeks ago and we started potty training this week. It’s definitely bitter sweet thinking about my last baby moving on from her Rags. Might need to move my obsession over to the [soon to be released] trainers! JL
Been [with RagaBabe] for 3 years now! I was thiiiis close to buying a whole stash of [another brand] AIOs when I learned of RagaBabe through a cloth diaper blog. I bought a couple AI2s from HQ that same day and when we got them I was convinced! I'm here to stay, I love this brand, and I am known for trying to convert and recruit. SSB
I found RagaBabe about 2 years ago. I was buying all kinds of brands and styles to figure out what kind of cloth I liked. I got one small RagaBabe AIO in a small bundle of different diapers and I was hooked. I fell in love with the style and the little stars first. Then realized how much better made they are and how much more enjoyable it is to cloth with quality diapers. I sold or gave away all my other brands and now am on baby #2 with only RagaBabe. RSB
Older Reviews
Love RagaBabe diapers because of the great fit and amazing absorbency for my heavy wetting toddler! Leela R.
When we first started cloth 4 years ago I tried all the popular brands...probably up to 11 different ones that were recommended. Tried RagaBabe and was instantly sold. Now the 3rd baby is exclusively Ragababe. Amazing fit! We love Ragababe! Andrea F.
We have been using RagaBabes for four years now, and they are our favorite diapers. We love the wide back elastic, inside tummy panel that prevent front leaks and wicking, the quality, the great customer service, and that they are a made in the USA company! Many of our RagaBabes were used on kiddo #2 & #3 and are still going strong for baby #4! Drea L.
If you are looking for the best brand of cloth diapers RagaBabe is it. I've tried DOZENS & DOZENS of brands so trust me. RagaBabe is a family run business in small town Iowa and Joy is the sweetest! Autumn B. former owner of All About Cloth Diapers.com.
A good portion of my stash is Rags!! My favorite thing is the fit! I have a skinny 4 month old and the fit is perfect! Wonderful diapers! Meredith R
I had the opportunity to try my first RagaBabe diaper a couple of months ago and I was hooked at the moment I put it on 5.0. The fit alone made me fall in love. The absorbency made me want more. So much so, after trying my first one I quickly bought a few more. I’ve literally had to put myself on time out from buying them because yes, they’re that awesome. Elia, owner of ConservaMom.com. [She does an excellent YouTube video review of a RagaBabe 2-Step Pacific Tie Dye that you can watch by clicking on photo below.]
Elia's written review of our 'Blocks' 2-Step can be found by clicking here.
I love RagaBabe for their durability and able to use across all my kids. Getting ready to use them for upcoming triplets! Kristi WS.
"What the heck is that?" First reaction by Clayton Morris, former co-host of FOX and Friends when seeing his child in RagaBabe 'Old Tie Dye' for first time. [Excerpt taken from blog]
RagaBabes are my all time favorite cloth diaper, they look adorable, are trim and the guy is perfect! The Velcro does not wear down and after over a year they are all just as sticky as day one. Kara LB.
I love RagaBabes! Was about to give up cloth diapering on my dd when I found them and I've never turned back! I have diapers from 2 years ago I used on my dd I can still use on my son now. Kristin Z.
RagaBabes are the only diapers that work overnight for my daughter. Jaime L.
Love love these diapers!! Hands down the best brand out of the 20+ brands I tried out! Lacy R.
I like the trimness of Rags and the unique look of them makes them stand out in a crowd of cloth. Tracy D.
I love that RagaBabes contain the messiest poops my kids throw at them. Jessica SP.
We are Rag exclusive. They are the best diapers hands down! Owners, staff, trim fit and fun prints make them awesome. Trisha M.
Adore rags!! Our number once choice for two kids now! So absorbent, so trim and really well made! Zach NH.
Love the owners, the fit, the absorbency, the prints/colors, the trimness. Jessica R.
We used them for 4 years and the best things are fit, durability, and amazing customer service/care that the Raga team gives to everyone. Erli D.
Never cloth diapered any of my kiddos until now, and I have to say that I'm glad I was introduced to RagaBabe because all my worries were eased away. I learn more and more techniques from all the sweet mamas in this awesome community. No leaks, no smells, no baby rash. Is totally worth every penny and the styles and color are amazing. Kare M.
They work so well and have the most amazing and unique prints! I've been using them for 4 years! Molly CD.
I love the fit of RagaBabes and the ease of putting them on. The velcro is amazing and maintains its stickiness for as long as the diaper lasts. Heidi L.
What we love most about RagaBabe is the fit! They fit like a glove and I've never had a single leak. Amanda A.
Love that these are not typical "baby" prints. Miranda LA.
I think it's funny, so have to share. My husband was less than thrilled when I found RagaBabes because of the price tag. He thought it was ridiculous to pay that much for one diaper. But now that we have several, they are the ONLY diaper he will use! He even asked me to buy more yesterday! I'm one happy wife. Rachael L.
I love how these diapers fit my chunky babies! The wide elastic holds everything in so well! Kari Ann C.
I just want to personally tell you how much I love your diapers. I came across them by accident on YouTube searching for ways to get a fit that would not lead to leaks. I found a video of a mom who said her child leaked in everything except Rags. I wanted to cd so badly but really struggled in the beginning. I was going it alone and not having much luck. I found the [Raga]market and with it an amazing support group of women that helped me figure out how to do it right. I sold off pretty much everything and began converting my stash over to Rags. At the time there were no diapers in stock on your site, so it was a challenge to score- even on the market! Anyway, I'm glad I bought some used because it allowed me to join an amazing community. Thank you so much for making such an incredible product. Thank you also for making the choice to make it here in the US. I'm so happy to be able to buy a high quality product made right here in the US and support families here. You probably hear this all the time, but I just want you to know if it were not for your diapers, I probably would have given up long ago. I'm happy to report I have two friends that are looking to learn about cloth diapers and particularly Rags based on how much I love them. Kelly M.
RagaBabe or bust at our house. No other brand is as good as these! Lori A.
I love how RagaBabe fits and how sticky the Velcro is. They fit very thin so not adding a lot of bulk, but they have huge absorbency :) Stephanie ID.
These diapers are trim and absorbent and hold up over time. They have the best velcro, hands down. It doesn't rub against my kid, nor does it wear out. Joni L.
They last... ones I bought for my first child are being used by my second. The sizes he's already outgrown are tucked away for the possible third child. Plus they are cute. And great customer service. Kayla B.
I love RagaBabe because of the absorbency of their inserts and doublers and also because of the amazing customer service that Joy provides. Carrie TW.
RagaBabes are the best diapers I own, very absorbent, high quality, and so easy to use. Lori TM.
[Edited for length] I originally found them while searching for a nighttime option for my son because he was a heavy wetter. That was 5 1/2 years ago. I was so impressed with the quality when my first ones arrived. They fit well, including skinny babies like my son. (Everything else I tried leaked because the legs would gap no matter how tight I adjusted.) They weren't bulky. They washed easily. The customer service was awesome… I've had other diapers that fell apart after a few washes… None of my Rags have ever done that. In fact, I sat down one day and calculated how many wash cycles one of my very first RagaBabes went through before it bit the dust, and it was just over 1700 rounds in the washing machine… I have a newbie now and just started pulling all my Rags and some of my other diapers out of storage where they have been for 3 1/2 years since my oldest potty trained. Even after being stored 3 1/2 years, my RagaBabes are the same as they were the day I packed them up. The elastics are still perfect… This is what keeps me coming back to RagaBabe. Diane S.
My favorite thing about Ragababe diapers is the family we have gained thanks to Joy and her team. It's more than a cloth diaper to be honest. It's a sisterhood. I love my RagaMoms. Crystal V.
RagaBabe is just amazing. There is nothing better! They fit great and last forever and the rag community is so awesome! Danielle R.
I love the quality of Rags, they never leak for us, and the owners are beyond amazing! Chrystal H.
My favorite things about Rags, is the community. I've made lifelong friends through the chat group and they are priceless. Brittany M.